Liberalscum Buster

June 13, 2008


Filed under: BARACK OBAMA, Bush, hillary clinton, John McCain, life, mideast, news, politics, war — gasdocpol @ 3:01 pm

Meet President McNasty
(quoted from
John McCain’s depressing tour of places where he used to be young has also reminded America of his high-school nickname, “McNasty.” Even before he was a brain-damaged old psychopath, McCain was a mean, angry creep. Let’s remember all the times Walnuts went nuts in public, so we can prepare for the inevitable campaign-trail explosion that will end his campaign to be America’s Oldest President.

McCain “often insults people and flies off the handle,” the New York Times reported. The Arizona Republic was writing about his “volcanic temper” the last time he ran for president, in 1896 1999. His former colleague in the Senate, Republican Bob Smith, says McCain is a nutter: “I have witnessed incidents where he has used profanity at colleagues and exploded at colleagues … He would disagree about something and then explode. It was incidents of irrational behavior. We’ve all had incidents where we have gotten angry, but I’ve never seen anyone act like that.” Former Congressman John LeBoutillier, another Republican, says this: “I think he is mentally unstable and not fit to be president.”

Basically everyone on Capitol Hill has been the victim of McCain’s sociopathic tirades, and many have the apology letters from McCain to prove it. “Nowhere is that sentiment stronger than in the Senate, where McCain has few friends or supporters. In fact, when McCain ran for the Republican nomination for president in 2000, only four Republican senators endorsed him,” writes the conservative website NewsMax. When two Arizona medical doctors met with McCain to discuss a local endangered squirrel, “He slammed his fists on his desk, scattering papers across the room …. He jumped up and down, screaming obscenities at us for at least 10 minutes. He shook his fists as if he was going to slug us.” Says another GOP colleague in the Senate, “I Didn’t Want This Guy Anywhere Near A Trigger.” A furious McCain regularly throws F-bombs at his colleagues for no apparent reason. In 1995, at the Capitol, McCain had a “scuffle” with 92-year-old Republican Senator Strom Thurmond. That’s right, McCain tried to beat up the one person who was even older than McCain himself.

“It was election night 1986, and John McCain had just been elected to the U.S. Senate for the first time. Even so, he was not in a good mood. McCain was yelling at the top of his lungs and poking the chest of a young Republican volunteer who had set up a lectern that was too tall for the 5-foot-9 politician to be seen to advantage, according to a witness to the outburst.” “The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine,” Republican Senator Thad Cochran said about McCain. “He is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me.”


  1. Wow, I’m a hothead too! I have been known to completely fly off the handle whenever I am exposed for too long to people that are intellectually challenged (just trying to be politically correct here). It Must be a “Mc” thing. I knew I liked this guy!

    Comment by scottymck — June 14, 2008 @ 4:28 am

  2. Scottymck

    I do not think that I want a President that flys off the handle at people that he perceives to be intellectually challenged.

    There is nothing to suggest to me that John McCain is intellectually gifted.
    1. He got into and through USNA because his father and grandfather were 4 star admirals.
    2. He was 894 out of his class of 899 even with his family “pull”.
    3. By his own admission, he does not understand economics well.
    4. He claims expertise in foreign affairs while he does not have the most basic understanding of Iraqi politics.
    5. He uses bluster to compensate for his lack of understanding.

    His temper and bluster, no doubt , give him credibility as a warrior among his Senate colleagues.

    Nasty, belligerant people often need to make “nice-nice” and get good at it over the years.

    I am sure that John McCain can be very nice and calm in a benign non stressful social situation. I would not like a President who “freaks out” when things start getting dicey.

    Comment by gasdocpol — June 14, 2008 @ 4:54 am

  3. gasdocpol,

    Nor do I want a President who will bend over to accommodate the leaders of nations that support terrorism. Will Obama ask “what can we do to please you so that you don’t hate us as much anymore?” or will he just grab his ankles and take it like a good prison whore?

    Comment by scottymck — June 26, 2008 @ 4:03 am

  4. scottymck

    A. Lets talk about terrorism a little.

    Terrorism is basically violence against civilians to achieve political or ideological objectives by creating “Shock and Awe”. (Does that expression “Shock and Awe” have any meaning for you?)

    Many Americans openly approved of the Iraq invasion because “We had to do “something”. We needed to show the world in general and Arabs in particular what happens when you mess with the USA. I submit that Americans who said that, think that terrorism is OK as long as we are the ones doing it.

    I suspect but cannot prove that that mindset on the part of many Americans made it easy to buy the lies of Bush/Cheney in the run up to the war.

    I urge you to read “Imperial Hubris” a book by the CIA’s #1 expert on Bin Laden, Michael Scheuer (aka Anonimous).

    Rightly or wrongly Al Qaeda have their grievences against the USA which include our incursions into their culture,US unconditional support of Israel and US troops on their soil.

    Now, we can assume that the USA and Israel are 100% right and the Arabs are 100% wrong and we can continue to cut off our noses to spite our faces or setting our hair on fire and try to put it out by hitting ourselves in the head with a hammer. Hell, McCain spent 5 1/2 years as a POW and it worked out well for him. He would not be asking us to do something he has not done.

    B. Lets talk about McCain a little.

    McCain got into so many fights in high school his nicknames were “McNasty” and “Punk”. Fighting was and is his approach to life. He had two 4 star admirals in his ancestry which got him into and through the Naval Academy. His pugnaciousness gave him some credibily as a warrior.

    Let me contrast McCain with some other American warriors. Where McCain was a raunchy , roudy party boy as a Navy Midshipman, graduating 894 out of 899 in his class.

    George Patton was heavily into self discipline and military discipline.

    Admiral “Bull” Halsey went to medical school before he went to the Naval Academy from which he graduated with honors.

    “Pappy” Boyington was an aeronautical engineer before he was a badass marine fighter pilot.

    There is nothing in his background that suggests to me that McCain is a formidable military strategist or even a tactician.

    Obama has demonstrated toughness by beating both Clintons in his first go arround in national campaigning for the Presidency.

    As for McCain, I think that his high school classmates got it right when they called him “Punk”.

    Comment by gasdocpol — June 26, 2008 @ 12:14 pm

  5. gasdocpol,

    Sad, sad statement about your view of America. Where have I heard the statement that America is the terrorist in this conflict before? … Oh right, the esteemed Reverend Jeremiah Wright – Barack Obama’s spiritual guide and mentor for over twenty years. Now he claims “that is not the man that I knew” – the same statement he is making about Reverend Michael Phleger and his friend William Ayers. God knows what he will say if his wife’s “whitey” statement proves to be true. Will he claim she has changed? Will he disown her too?

    I wonder what he will say after a terrorist (oops, I’m sorry. I mean a poor, misunderstood member of the ordinarily peaceful Arab populace) wipes out a chunk of the population by exploding the first nuclear bomb – a bomb virtually handed to him by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I bet it will be something like, “I don’t understand why Mahmoud would have done such a thing. The President of Iran never had anything but kind words to say about the United States. This is clearly not the man that I knew. I have no option but to disown him as a friend. Now, let me phone the leader of Al Queda and ask what we can do, so that they don’t act so violently in the future.”

    As you know, I do read your blog and don’t really need to have the same points reiterated about John McCain. As I have stated before, like most Republicans, I have no particular love for John McCain. You can hardly expect any person on the Right to support the most liberal Senator this country has seen in decades. At least I know that if someone says that McCain’s sister loks like a tramp, he’s going to do something to defend her. Obama would probably apologize for his sister’s appearance, take her home and give her a makeover, himself.

    As far as Obama’s “toughness” goes, it seems a ridiculous statement to make in regards to barely being able to hold off Hillary Clinton after having such a huge lead. If the primaries were held all over, and the early states were allowed to vote again, he would lose in a landslide. If the DNC had any brains and counted states’ delegates like they do in Presidential elections, he would have lost the nomination long ago. It would seem to me that it makes far more sense to have your primary mirror the policies of the main event.

    Nonetheless, keep up the good writing gasdocpol. I find it inspiring!

    Comment by scottymck — June 27, 2008 @ 1:39 am

  6. 1. If you could say that invading Iraq was an honest mistake, why could’nt
    Al Qaeda say that 9/11 was an honest mistake if they wanted to. I hate to do” Reductio ad absurdum” but you are totally in denial. We DID invade a country that had not attacked us and was no danger to us and we changed our reasons as fast as the previous pretexts were disproven. We seemed to have wiped out a chunk of Iraqi population.

    2. You must have been impressed by some neighborhood bully as a kid growing up.

    3. It is not fashionable to admit guilt and maybe we should not do it openly but we are into denial- an an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth and a viscious cycle of revenge and vendetta. Jesus spoke of that toward the end of Mathew 5. He never meant that we should be doormats but he recognised that a slap on the face can be followed by an uppercut in revenge then a knee to the groin etc in a viscious cycle. I don’t think that the Bible thummpers who put GW Bush in the Oval office actually understand Jesus very well.

    4. The GOP needs to clean up its act . It has put its stamp of approval on two world class screrw ups in a row.

    Comment by gasdocpol — June 27, 2008 @ 3:02 am

  7. I think you just scared the hell out of me! This, ladies and gentlemen, is how liberals in this country plan to handle conflicts. There is no mommy to run and cower behind, however. Maybe if we give Al Queda our lunch money they will play nice!

    I agree that the GOP has been a big disappointment to conservatives. Not for the reasons you would state, but for abandoning their conservative base and joining the liberals in their spend, spend spend mentality. The sole issue that McCain has over Obama is his position on earmarks. Obama secured $91 million for pet projects for his state in 2007 and got tired of adding when I hit $350 million in 2006. Senator McCain does not believe the federal governent should help finance projects in the individual states and his record is clean on earmarks. I, too, believe that the federal government (meaning the taxpayers of this country) should not be helping to fund projects that Senators are too cowardly to raise taxes for in their own states.

    Comment by scottymck — June 27, 2008 @ 10:58 am

  8. In 1610, Galileo scared the hell out of the Church when he said that the Earth revolved around the sun. So they put him in prison. It was just as obvious to the Church that Galilio was wrong as it is to you that I am wrong.

    When ignorance is backed up by authority, bad things can happen. I realize that it would represent quite a paradyme shift for you to go from insisting that Israel and the USA has been 100% right and all Arabs are 100% wrong to considering the possibility that Arabs could possibly have something to be upset about..

    You apparently think that the USA should be the nasty punk (taken from McCain’s 2 nicknames in high school). That might work if we were up against a bunch of dweebs but in fact radical fundamentalist Muslims are even stupider than the religious right here. Their values are very different from ours and they have no problem at all in dying for them.

    You would do well to read “Imperial Hubris” and Mathew 5.

    Don’t tell me about wasting money while defending the Iraq war. Conservative? My ass!

    Comment by gasdocpol — June 27, 2008 @ 5:04 pm

  9. gasdocpol,

    “Stupider?” Is that even a word? Anyway, I think we have demonstrated here why the concept of uniting America is a pipe dream.

    I could review the history of Israel, how the land that they occupy now was always theirs until they were driven out by the Romans and practically annihilated in the process. I could dicuss in detail how nomads from Syria drifted into the land that was named by the Romans after the Latin word for “Philistine” (Palestine) after being abandoned by the Romans. How those new Syrian settlers couldn’t do anything to cultivate the land and how the Israelis returned to that land and bought it from those who had taken up residence on it. “Boy how stupid those Jews are,” the Syrian occupants of Palestine (formerly Israel) thought. When the far more industrious Israelis were able to turn the dust pile into a fertile growing area, the former occupants, who now call themselves Palestinians (although there is no such nationality), saw that it was possible to grow food on the land, they felt they had been duped and demanded the land back (although the Jews had paid for it all). This is why the wars began, why they continue and why they will never end until either the Jews or the Arabs are annihilated.

    I, personally don’t give a crap about anything that goes on over there. Both Democrats and Republicans have supported the Israelis; therefore, both sides are to blame for the way that radical Islam sees this country. I’m perfectly happy to sit back and watch them kill each other and couldn’t care less who dies on either side; the more the merrier, as far as I’m concerned. I’ve got my own problems and so does this country. As you’ll see on my “About Me” page, I am more of a Libertarian, but am right of center. I understand completely that there are those in the Middle East that are pissed that we have supported Israel (both Democrats and Republicans). I don’t know why we support either side, much like I don’t know why we give aid to all of the countries of the that would just as soon spit in our faces. We have our own problems to take care of!

    I’m not sure why you feel the need to constantly berate me for supporting John McCain. As I have stated on numerous occcasions, I don’t like him. Obama makes my skin crawl, however, and I have no choice but to vote against Obama. Frankly, I’d like a “redo.” I have a funny feeling that if the primaries were to begin all over again, we would see two entirely different candidates representing each party.

    I also don’t give a crap whether we stay in Iraq or not. Terrorists can strike this country any time they want to. How hard would it be to have a couple dozen of those idiots blow themselves up simultaneously in malls throughout America? I’m sick of using the word terrorist to define them as well. These people are completely lost losers with absoltely nothing to live for that have been brainwashed into believing that there is some great prize waiting on the other side of their earthly existence for them when they perform the most cowardly act known to man – killing themselves and taking out hundreds of other innocent people with them. How stupid and desperate to you have to be to buy into that crap? I prefer to call them “Islamic Radical Cowards.” The only positive thing about the war is that we get to kill these idiots as they line up to die in another country.

    I don’t recall ever using the expression “wasting money” in relation to earmarks. My point was that each state’s citizens should pay for their own pet projects, not the American public as a whole. This dialogue between us isn’t accomplishing as much as either one of us may have hoped. I really need to finsh part three of my Obama website series. I also need to take a look at your ideas on how to solve the fuel crisis that is endangering our very way of life right now (I think those links were in another comment to me from you from a different blog article of yours). I’ve almost come up with the answers myself, but have a couple of walls I cannot break through. When I get a chance to review your ideas, we’ll compare plans, I’m sure.

    Until then, the best to you!

    Comment by scottymck — June 28, 2008 @ 3:25 am

  10. 1. Oops ! You got me ! The comparative form of “stupid” is “more stupid”, not stupider.

    2. The Arabs might have their own version of the history. My room mate at Columbia, who got a PhD in history there, said that hisory was a pack of lies that everyone agreed to. (His very words and, yes he ended the sentence with a preposition) He was Jewish BTW.

    3.If you don’t give a crap about what goes on over there , why should Arabs care what happens here?

    4. I agree. The Israeli lobby (AIPAC) has bought off Dems and GOP equally.

    5. If you vote for McCain I would say that you support him.

    6. The Iraq war has killed many thousands of Iraqi civilians needlessly. Are you saying that they are subhuman and it does not count?

    7. When you said

    ” Obama secured $91 million for pet projects for his state in 2007 and got tired of adding when I hit $350 million in 2006. Senator McCain does not believe the federal governent should help finance projects in the individual states and his record is clean on earmarks. I, too, believe that the federal government (meaning the taxpayers of this country) should not be helping to fund projects that Senators are too cowardly to raise taxes for in their own states.”

    I took that to mean that federal money was being mispent (wasted?).

    Comment by gasdocpol — June 28, 2008 @ 3:55 am

  11. Wow, gasdocpol, I got a concession or two from you! I knew we had to have some common ground. I don’t understand what you are referring to by staement #6: “The Iraq war has killed many thousands of Iraqi civilians needlessly. Are you saying that they are subhuman and it does not count?” When did I say that? To paraphrase, I think I said that I don’t care what goes on over there and I’d be happy as hell if we were out of every country. Let the world’s countries solve their own problems.

    Which brings me to point #3: “If you don’t give a crap about what goes on over there , why should Arabs care what happens here?” What makes you think Arabs do give a crap about what happens over here? That is, unless there is something to gain in it by them like the exportation of their oil to America. Don’t you have enough problems? Don’t many other Americans have theirs as well? I know I sure do!

    I spent most of my life thinking that people actually cared about other people and got burned time and again for thinking that way. Every kind act is done in exchange for something. People truly care only about themselves. Even those that, for example, give to charity are doiing so to make themselves feel good or to prove something to their God or others. Some say they do it because “it is the right thing to do.” (It makes them feel good about themselves to always do the right thing). Countries are no different.

    Comment by scottymck — June 29, 2008 @ 12:33 am

  12. 1. You said
    “These people are completely lost losers with absoltely nothing to live for that have been brainwashed into believing that there is some great prize waiting on the other side of their earthly existence for them when they perform the most cowardly act known to man – killing themselves and taking out hundreds of other innocent people with them. How stupid and desperate to you have to be to buy into that crap? I prefer to call them “Islamic Radical Cowards.” The only positive thing about the war is that we get to kill these idiots as they line up to die in another country.”

    You characterize all those Iraqi civilians that way and therefore it is no big deal that so many of them were killed by our invasion of Iraq.

    2. “What makes you think Arabs do give a crap about what happens over here?” Now we are talking about the viscious cycle of revenge and payback. Jesus discussed this in Mathews 5 (near the end).

    3. I am sorry that life has been so cruel to you.

    Comment by gasdocpol — June 29, 2008 @ 3:15 pm

  13. gasdocpol,

    1). The losers I was referring to were terrorists, not the Iraqi people or Arabs as awhole.

    2). I don’t give a crap about what happens in France, either. How does that perpetuate a viscious cycle of revenge and payback. That cycle is perpetuated when you do give a crap!

    3). Thank you for your empathy. Life has not been any crueler to me than others and, to be sure, many are far worse off than me and have dealt with far greater problems than those I have encountered. I would have left the last point out if I knew it would elicit such sarcasm. It is a subject often discussed in the most basic Sociolgy classes.

    Comment by scottymck — June 30, 2008 @ 12:45 am

  14. 1. It was a lot more that terrorists that have died as a result of the Iraq invasion.

    2. You seem to be saying that we should not talk to our enemies and see what is bugging them. You answer is only to show them who is boss.

    3. I was sincere in my empathy.

    Comment by gasdocpol — June 30, 2008 @ 3:36 am

  15. 1). My first point was to clarify who I was calling “losers,” not to devalue the loss of citizens, which is a separate issue entirely. While it is true and sad that so many innocents have been injured and killed, they are being used as human shields by terrorists and are targets of suicide bombings by terrorists whose only point in doing so is to show that they kill because they can. I hope you are not suggesting that the U.S. military is intentionally targeting innocent civilians. At least I believe they are trying to do all that they can to minimize collateral damage. War is hell!

    2). I thought we already knew what was bugging them. You have pointed their greivances out in numerous comments and posts. What is missing is the course of action you would take, based on those greivances. I did suggest a course of action which I thought you advovated as well. Pull them all out! Not only in Iraq, but everywhere. Where do we draw the line at the places on the planet that we choose to act as police and savior? Somebody will always be pissed off when we intervene. For that matter, we might as well pull out of the ineffective organization known as the U.N. as well!

    3). I apologize for doubting your sincerety. I read the comment several times and could not discern your intention. I erred, apparently, in deciding that it was sarcasm.

    Comment by scottymck — July 1, 2008 @ 4:43 pm

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